The migration of millions of Muslims and Christians from particularly Syria and Iraq represents one of the most important events of the first part of the 21st
century. Due to the Syrian civil war now in its fifth year, over four million refugees have sought safety in surrounding countries of the region as well as in the West. Two million have left Iraq, with another 1.9 million internally displaced inside the country.
This intentional leaving of physical homelands parallels similar journeys that have happened in all three Semitic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Abraham leaving his homeland of Ur in Mesopotamia, Moses leading the children of Israel out of Egypt, and Jesus as a baby being taken by his parents to Egypt to flee Herod are some of the many times of movement in Jewish and Christian history
In Islam there is also the concept of a journey of faith captured in the Arabic word hijra. Literally meaning “migration” or
“journey”, the idea of hijra traces back to the Prophet Muhammad’s flight with believing companions from Mecca to Medina in 622
CE. The hijra was due to persecution from the Meccan merchant establishment, and resulted in the consolidation of the first community of Muslims. It also became the beginning year for the marking of Islamic history, with dates written thereafter AH (After Hijra).
For many refugees who have left homelands, there is no promise of
ever returning.
Muslim (with some exceptions) during their lifetime to the holy city of Mecca. The two concepts of hijra and hajj, though similar, also have subtle differences. Both are done in faith, both involve leaving the homeland for an intentional purpose. But in the hijra is implied a longer migration, perhaps one that will last
the rest of a person’s life on earth.
The Prophet and companions did return victoriously to Mecca in 630 CE after eight years in Medina. For many refugees who have left homelands, there is no promise of ever returning. How many of them see their migration as a hijra central to their faith? That is of course uncertain, but living with the
reality of a spiritual dimension could bring encouragement to their struggle.
Another question to be considered is on the part of communities, especially in the West, receiving these refugees. Does this hijra of faith involve a desire to convert European and other Western populations to Islam via getting visas to reside there? Prophet Muhammad’s hijra certainly involved leaving Mecca to
escape persecution and strengthen Islam. It also involved a desire to convert those in Medina who were responsive.
But a concern whether Muslim refugees will seek to convert others, or even engage in terrorist activities as some have warned, should be subsumed within a hospitality of generous faith on the part of those receiving these Muslims (and Christians) from the Middle East as well as North Africa. Though having various
motives, millions of these migrants are “true hijras”.
Egyptian Muslim writer Sahar El-Nadi has defined a “true hijra” as someone living out five important areas. First of all, they have a strong faith that even in great suffering continues to trust and depend on Allah. Second, there is knowledge that there is purpose in this journey and that it is not meaningless. Third, the “true hijra” continues to engage in regular habits and acts of worship even in their new homeland. Fourth, there is a continued desire for Allah that is not overwhelmed by societal pressures around them. And last, there is a commitment to a righteous life in the new environment.
These five marks of a “true hijra” are certainly consistent with one following Judaism or the Christian faith. They also provide a framework for hospitality from lands these “true hijras” are arriving in. For all three faiths the concept of a hijra or journey that will last a lifetime and indeed into eternity is a commonly held reality. The idea of a “true hijra” provides another bridge between faiths so needed in this 21st century context.
- Pray that you run this race of life with patience, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith – Heb 12:2
- Pray that as a pilgrim and a temporary resident on this earth, you will be focused on fulfilling your mission and finishing strong – 1 Peter 2: 11-1
Steve Cochrane who has been involved with 30 Days from its very beginning. A historian, a missionary and a futurist, he blogs at: visit http://www. to support mission efforts to reach the unreached for Christ.