In the House of Islam, the West Africa Room is a religious battleground between Muslims in the Saharan interior, Christians along the Atlantic coastlands and a stubbornly persistent animism that frequently bubbles up from beneath the surface of both religions. In both the Muslim north and the Christian south, African tribal religion still influences many ostensibly Muslim and Christian adherents. For many West Africans who are neither Muslim nor Christian, the practical question is, “What religion is powerful enough to protect me from the spiritual forces around me?” Muslim-background believers in West Africa are drawn to Christ through different means. They speak of the vibrancy of Christian communities, and the impact of Christian schools, orphanages and community development projects. Many converts speak of the social justice they have sought and found in communities of faith that live out their gospel in everyday life. Permeating these effective outreaches is the fervent, passionate
prayer of Christian communities in West Africa.
Many Muslim converts attest to the discovery for themselves that Christ is who He claims to be. Unlike the Qur’an, which can only be truly represented in
Arabic, the Bible begins with a translation into their local language. More than one Muslim-background believer commented: “I do not understand Arabic or the Qur’an. But I understand the Bible.”
When asked, “What do you say about Jesus?” a young Muslim convert replied, “The Qur’an says, ‘If you are in doubt, ask the people who were before you.’ I see Jesus as someone who clears my doubt. Jesus is someone who says you cannot come to the Father except through Him. I accept this; He is the truth and the life.”
Another offered this testimony: “As Muslims, all we did was five memorized prayers. But there was no assurance of heaven. No one could give me a good answer. This is what prompted me to look into who Jesus was.”
Once Muslims encounter Christ, through answered prayers, dreams and reading Scripture, they find a living Lord whom they cannot ignore, and for they are willing to give their lives.
- Pray for the emerging movements to Christ in West Africa, that they will grow deep and strong in their newfound faith.
- Pray for protection from the forces of evil represented in Boko Haram, syncretistic religion, and social injustice.
- Scripture translation, radio and satellite television, and indigenous witness are contributing to a rediscovery of the new yet
ancient faith of Christianity in North Africa. - West African Muslims number more than 100 million with more than 514 distinct ethnolinguistic people groups. Pray for those who remain unaware of the reality of Christ in this exceptionally diverse region.
Post credited to the editors at Worldchristian: visit http://www. to support mission efforts to reach the unreached for Christ.