Forty miles north of London, England, lies Luton. A multicultural island in a sea of affluent white towns, over 25 percent of Luton’s 215,000 people are Muslim. Since the 1990s Luton has rather unfairly been known as a hotbed of Muslim extremism, but more recently also of anti-Muslim “far right wing”extremism.
In March 2009 a protest by a very small group of Muslim extremists at a British Army parade provoked a near riot by local townspeople. In the following weeks tensions ran high, with threats and demonstrations, and the firebombing of a mosque, resulting in the formation of the anti-Muslim English Defence League (EDL), which soon spread nationally.
Witnessing the chaos that day was a local church community worker, Peter Adams, who has a call to peace-building and reconciliation. In the following days he
watched the rise on social media of anti-Muslim hatred. Talking to church leaders as well as to Muslim friends, who like the majority of their community totally condemned and opposed all Islamic extremism, he determined that the extremists would not separate the town. Standing alongside the imam of the firebombed mosque and senior Christian and Muslim leaders at a press conference covered on national news in May 2009, they made a commitment:
“… these groups do not represent the majority of our community. As Muslims and Christians in Luton we are committed to grow in understanding of each other and to work together for good. In doing so we are inspired by words that lie at the heart of each of our Holy Scriptures where we are commanded to love God and our neighbor. As neighbors in this town we will work to discover the things that unite us and celebrate those. Where we are different we are committed to seek understanding and trust, rather than resorting to hatred and strife. Let us respect each other, be fair, just and kind to one another, and live in sincere peace, harmony and mutual goodwill.”
That commitment has held, and grown. While the EDL has been a force for division, the friendship between faith and community leaders is growing and has allowed difficult issues to be addressed.
Peter is clear: “In a time where many are convinced that Islam and Christianity/Western democracy will only ever clash, I’m determined to point to another way. Sadly, Christian voices are often quoted in support of conflict. We must find another way! My Muslim friends know I am passionate about my faith, and respect me for it. They know I’d love to see them come to faith in Jesus Christ. But Christ will be the loser if Christians are known for hatred and fear.”
My Muslim friends know I am passionate about my faith.
- 1 John 4:18 says: “Perfect loves drives out fear.” Repent of fear and ask God to fill you and your community with love for Muslims.
- Pray for opportunities to challenge the negative stereotypes of Muslims.
- Pray for opportunities to show love toMuslims you encounter as neighbors and fellow citizens.
Post credited to the editors at Worldchristian: visit http://www. to support mission efforts to reach the unreached for Christ.